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US Coast Guard Drug and Alcohol Testing Overview
In the Federal Register / Vol. 70, No.245 / Thursday, December 22, 2005 / Rules and Regulations, page 75954 the final Coast Guard Rule (46 CFR Part 4) for "Marine Casualties and Investigations; Chemical Testing Following Serious Marine Incidents" has been published. This rule which went into effect June 20, 2006 "revises the Coast Guard requirements for alcohol testing after a serious marine incident to ensure that mariners or their employees involved in a serious marine incident are tested for ...
Published: Wednesday 23 April, 2014
What is Sun Protection Factor (SPF)?
The Sun Protection Factor (SPF) is a numerical rating displayed on sunscreen packages. The higher the number the better protection against Hazardous effects of UVB rays. SPF does not relate in any way to a product's ability to protect you against UVA rays.
Published: Tuesday 22 April, 2014
Compass Terminologies
Find out the definitions to many compass terminologies.
Published: Tuesday 22 April, 2014
Why Carry a Compass?
The ability to navigate with a map and compass is a crucial skill, especially if your travel off trail. Take the time to learn it- someday it might just save your life. ASD has experienced and trained sales specialist who can answer many of your compass questions.
Published: Tuesday 22 April, 2014
What Kind of Breathalyzer Should I Buy?
For many, when thinking of a breathalyzer, one might think of a police officer pulling out a big industrial designed breathalyzer, with buttons and lights that could only be there to intimidate a user, comes to mind. For some, it's the little keychain breathalyzer their friend bought while purchasing a 36 mode massage chair at the mall. With this, there is a great range of breathalyzers for sale, and we hope this guide will help you find the right breathalyzer for you.
Published: Wednesday 09 April, 2014
Portable Breathalyzers
Each and every year, thousands of people in the United States (and millions across the globe) are killed because of accidents stemming from drunk driving. Purchasing the right portable breathalyzer or home breathalyzer can be a step in the right direction to lower the chances of causing a drunk driving incident.
Published: Wednesday 19 March, 2014
How To Calibrate Your Digital Compass?
Calibration of a digital compass is fairly simple process if you know how to force it into its calibration mode. For that you may need to refer to your device user guide. Here we attempt to explain a more general way of calibrating most digital compasses as well as very specific and accurate procedures for more popular and recent devices.
Published: Thursday 16 January, 2014
Are Breathalyzers Accurate?
Breath analysis is the most common method in determining a person's breath-alcohol-concentration (BrAC). The Department of Transportation has determined that many breathalyzers, when meeting DOT guidelines are able to be used in the screening of alcohol to determine an individual's blood-alcohol-concentration (BAC).
Published: Tuesday 14 January, 2014
Best Breathalyzer to Buy in 2014
Breathalyzer technology is advancing at a rapid pace as more attention is given to design, quality, and sensor technology. 2014 models are already out, and we have put together a list of the best Breathalyzer to buy in 2014. These alcohol testers are an accurate means of testing the breath for alcohol either by law enforcement agencies or consumers in the workplace or at home. Here is a list of some of the absolute best breathalyzers to buy in 2014.
Published: Monday 30 December, 2013
Impaired Driving Restrictions on Federal Property
In an Executive Memorandum, issued on March 3, 1998, President Clinton directed the Secretary of Transportation to develop a plan that promotes the adoption of a .08 BAC legal limit. In particular, the memorandum directed the Secretary to consider in his plan setting, enforcing and publicizing a .08 BAC standard on Federal property.
Published: Friday 27 December, 2013
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