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iSOBER 70Pro Evidential Breathalyzer Review

by Jeff T Date Added: Sunday 28 July, 2024
I've been using this breathalyzer for about 30 days so far and what I really like about it is the ability to use the app on my phone when I want and to use it as a standalone device. My only comparison is to a bactrack that I had which worked fine for a few months but once I couldn't get my phone to connect to the bactrack, it was almost impossible to get bactrack to support their device. It was a major headache. So even if this company stops supporting the app, at least I know the device won't be a paperweight.

It's just as easy to use as the other breathalyzer and any questions were answered by ASD's support people. Charlene was very knowledgeable about how the device and how to operate it.

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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