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AlcoMate Prestige AL6000 Breathalyzer
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Zero Tolerance Program

In June 1995, in a weekly radio address, President Clinton called on Congress to make “zero tolerance” the law of the land, prohibiting persons under the age of 21 from driving with any measurable alcohol in their system. Congress acted in November 1995, and established the Federal Zero Tolerance program, requiring the withholding of certain Federal-aid highway funds from states that do not enact and enforce “zero tolerance” laws.

To avoid the withholding of funds, states must enact and enforce zero tolerance laws by October 1, 1998, that: set .02 percent BAC as the legal limit for all persons under the age of 21; make .02 a per se offense (without having to prove intoxication); provide for primary enforcement; and authorize license suspensions or revocations for any violation of the state zero tolerance law.

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